Sunday, July 7, 2013

Vitamin and Mineral Benefits

from rollingpastry blog at

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VITAMIN A: Promotes skeletal growth, normal tooth structure, healthy mucous membranes, healthy skin, eyes and hair; essential for night vision. NATURAL SOURCES: Fish liver oils, liver, carrots, green and yellow vegetables, dairy products.

VITAMIN D: Promotes bone and tooth development and normal growth; aids utilization of phosphorus and calcium; maintains nervous system and    heart action; prevents rickets.

VITAMIN E: Protects body’s store of Vitamin A, tissues and fat from destructive oxidation, and breakdown of red corpuscles; strengthens capillary walls; regulates menstrual rhythm; prevents loss of other vitamins; aids blood flow to heart; lowers blood cholesterol and fatty acids; vital to cell health; regulates protein and calcium metabolism. NATURAL SOURCES: Soybeans, vegetable oils, broccoli, brussels sprouts, leafy greens, enriched flour, whole wheat, wheat germ, whole grain cereals, eggs.

VITAMIN C: Essential for the formation of collagen; needed for absorption of iron, some proteins and folic acid; prevents oxidation of other vitamins; aids in metabolism of amino acids and calcium; stops internal bleeding; strengthens blood vessels maintains hard bones and teeth; promotes stamina; holds body cells together prevents infections, colds, fatigue and stress; reduces allergies; heals wounds and burns. NATURAL SOURCES: Citrus fruits, berries, green and leafy vegetables, tomatoes, cauliflower, potatoes, sweet potatoes.

VITAMIN B-6: Aids metabolism of protein carbohydrates and fats; controls cholesterol level; aids chemical balance between blood and tissue; prevents water retention; builds hemoglobin. NATURAL SOURCES: Brewer’s yeast, wheat bran, wheat germ, organ meats, beef, avocados, bananas, milk, eggs.

VITAMIN B-1: (Thiamine): Helps convert sugar and starches into energy; promotes digestion, strong heart muscle, child growth; prevents fatigue, fat deposits in arteries. NATURAL SOURCES: Whole wheat, dried yeast, oatmeal, peanuts, pork, bran, enriched rice, sunflower seeds, soybean sprouts.

VITAMIN B-2: (Riboflavin): Aids in releasing energy to body cells; enables utilization of fats, proteins and sugars. NATURAL SOURCES: Dairy products, liver, kidney, yeast, leafy greens, fish, eggs.

VITAMIN B-12: Promotes utilization of protein, fats and carbohydrates; essential for formation of red blood cells; builds nucleic acid; prevents pernicious anemia; helps nervous system. NATURAL SOURCES: Liver, beef, pork, eggs, dairy products, shellfish.

CALCIUM: Builds bones and teeth; aids in proper function of muscles, heart, nerves, and iron utilization; helps blood coagulation; regulates the passage of nutrients in and out of cells; relieves pain and cramps; eases insomnia. NATURAL SOURCES: Dairy products, soybeans, sunflower seeds, legumes, sardines.

MAGNESIUM: Reduces blood cholesterol; forms hard tooth enamel and fights tooth decay; aids in converting blood sugar into energy; helps regulate body temperature; aids nerve function and bone growth; helps utilize Vitamins B, C, E; promotes absorption and metabolism of other minerals; activates enzymes for metabolism of carbohydrates and amino acids; prevents calcium deposits in the bladder, heart attacks, depression, polio. NATURAL RESOURCES: Nuts, figs, seeds, dark-green vegetables, wheat bran, avocados, bananas.

IRON: Present in all cells; one of the constituents of hemoglobin which carries oxygen to the tissues by blood circulation. NATURAL RESOURCES: Liver, meat, raw clams, oysters, oatmeal, nuts, beans, wheat germ.

IODINE: Aids thyroid gland and prevents goiter; helps burn fat; converts carotene into Vitamin A; aids absorption of carbohydrates from small intestine; promotes growth; regulates energy production; maintains hair, nails skin and teeth. NATURAL SOURCES: Kelp, seafood, vegetables.

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Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet

"Veggie-Heart" from: www.—-eat-beautiful-skin/

Following from "Maximizing the Vegetarian Diet" brosure found at Whole Foods grocery store in Sacramento, CA in June, 2013:

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The Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet

The health benefits associated with eating more vegetables and fruits are indisputably clear. In general, vegetarians consume less saturated fats and cholesterol than people on an average American diet, and they consume higher levels of fiber, magnesium, folate, vitamins C and E, carotenoids and phytochemicals. More specifically, studies have shown a positive link between eating a vegetarian diet and a reduced risk for chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, hypertension, coronary artery disease and some types of cancer.

Optimum Health

Good planning and forethought are essential. While it's true that several key nutrients found primarily in animal products cannot be obtained as easily from plant-based foods, there are ways to maximise your absorption and utilization of these important vitamins and minerals. To maintain optimum health, it is especially important that vegetarians consume adequate amounts of the following nutrients.

° Protein from beans and lentils; soy products such as tempeh, tofu and soy-based meat substitutes; dairy and eggs.

° Iron from legumes (chickpeas, lentils, adzucki and kidney beans), nuts and seeds (cashews; almonds; pumpkin, sunflower and sesame seeds - including sesame tahini); whole and enriched grains.

° Zinc from legumes (adzuki and navy beans, split peas); nuts and seeds (cashews, pumpkin and sunflower seeds); whole and enriched grains (fortified cereal and wheat germ); soy foods.

° Iodine from iodised salt, kelp powder and other sea vegetables.

° Essential Fatty Acids from direct sources such as micro-algae supplements, omega-3 enriched eggs and seaweed. Secondary sources include flaxseed oil, hempseed oil, walnuts, and canola oil.

° Vitamin B12 from B12 supplements, fortified meat substitutes and cereals, non-dairy milk beverages, nutritional yeast, eggs and dairy.

° Calcium from low-oxylate leafy greens (broccoli, kale, collards, okra), dairy, tofu, soy milk, almonds,  legumes, dried figs and calcium-fortified foods.

° Vitamin D from warm-month sun exposure, vitamin D supplements, fortified cow's milk and soy milk, fortified cereals and egg yolks.

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"Broccoli Curry" from:

Find extended information about maximizing the vegetarian diet at:

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Dr. Joel Wallach - The 90 Essential Vitamins & Minerals

Dr. Joel Wallach is both a Veterinary Doctor and a Medical Doctor with a vast, encyclopaedic knowledge and experience concerning optimal health, longevity and nutrition for animals and people. He asserts that medical studies have shown that over 95% of Americans have Essential Vitamins & Mineral deficiencies that cause over 600 curable diseases.

He says from his experience as a Veterinarian that many common, modern human diseases have been cured over 50 years ago for animals both inexpensively and effectively. He says from his experience as a Medical Doctor that we humans also benefit greatly from these Essential Vitamins & Minerals and health principals and that we can find common sense, simple and cost effective answers to the enormous and growing health crises of modern life.

Most basic, he says we are starved of the ingredients the billions of cells in our bodies need daily to combat disease, to live, to grow and to function optimally. This is a very famous and well received lecture that has improved and changed countless lives. I hope that you will take the time to listen, learn, find a way to follow and then share with family and friends this priceless knowledge.

"Dr. Joel Wallach has published numerous books on dietary deficiencies and their resultant effects. Dr. Wallach conducts approximately 300 lectures annually to overflowing and enthusiastic audiences and has sold over 40 million cassettes/CD's which are recordings of the lecture 'Dead Doctors Don't Lie'."
from Dr. Wallach's website,

Dr. Joel Wallach - The 90 Essential Vitamins & Minerals - Part 1 of 2

 Dr. Joel Wallach - The 90 Essential Vitamins & Minerals - Part 2 of 2

Dr. Joel Wallach - The Best of Dead Doctors Don't Lie

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