Friday, August 9, 2013

Hans' & Marina's Golden Anniversary - August 10, 2013

Wonderful family memories celebrating the 
Golden Anniversary of Hans and Marina Peter
August 10th, 2013

Thanks for the Memories

In honor of Pat Look who lives by her beloved
Mt. Shasta and is a Spirit like that majestic mountain.
Please hold Pat in your thoughts and prayers
as she passes through a difficult health crisis.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Top 10 Aphrodisiac Foods by Sanela

The Top 10 Aphrodisiac Foods

Asparagus, honey, bananas and other foods can get you in the mood and help get your blood flowing down to your sexy parts.

March 22, 2009  | You are what you eat, because what you eat directly influences your body and your body functions.
The food you consume can have a direct impact on your sex life, affecting your hormones, brain chemistry and energy and stress levels. Some foods have psychoactive properties, others arouse because they are psychologically suggestive, and some can actually increase blood flow to the genitals. And if it does not have all that aphrodisiac effect, at least it’s healthy and it will do you good! 


An English herbalist from the 17th century, Nicholas Culpepper, wrote that asparagus "stirs up lust in man and woman." In 19th century France, bridegrooms were served three courses of the sexy spears at their prenuptial dinners. Apparently for a good reason: asparagus is a great source of potassium, fiber, vitamin B6, vitamins A and C, and thiamin and folic acid. The latter is said to boost histamine production necessary for the ability to reach orgasm in both sexes.


Through antiquity, almonds were regarded as fertility symbols. The aroma of almond supposedly arouses passion in females -- or so thought the poets and scribes. The scientists say that almonds provide high doses of vitamin E, magnesium and even fiber. Therefore, there seems to be something in the almond myths after all.


Just by looking at the shape of avocado, you will see the reason why it was associated with sexuality. The Aztecs called the avocado ahuacuatl, or "testicle tree." They thought the fruit hanging in pairs on the tree resembled testicles. The Catholic priests in Spain found this fruit so obscenely sexual that they forbade it. On the other side, avocado is rich with folic acid, vitamin B6 and potassium. They are also said to boost immune system.


By it shape its connection with sexuality is quite obvious, but you’ll also find that bananas are loaded with potassium, magnesium and B vitamins. It also contains chelating minerals and the bromeliad enzyme, said to enhance the male libido.

6 -- BASIL

Basil not only makes the meals smell and taste better, but it also has a lot of beneficial effects on human body. Basil has a fantastic aroma that is said to have an aphrodisiac effect; it is also very stimulating. Using sweet basil in a pasta sauce will be sure to get your heart racing! Maybe this explains why Italians are so romantic!


Pure chocolate, the king of natural aphrodisiacs, contains a host of compounds including anandamide, the psyochoactive feel-good chemical, and PEA (phenylethylamine), the "love chemical," which releases dopamine in the pleasure centers of the brain and peaks during orgasm. PEA is said to help induce feelings of excitement, attraction and euphoria. Cacao also contains tryptophan, a key component of the neurotransmitter serotonin known to promote a sense of well-being and relaxation.

4 -- FIGS

This sexy fruit has long been thought of as an arousing stimulant, and an open fig is believed to emulate the female sex organs. Figs are steeped in history and are one of the oldest-recorded fruits. They are mentioned in the Bible (Adam and Eve wore fig leaves to cover their private parts), are reported to be Cleopatra’s favorite fruit, and the ancient Greeks held them as sacred and associated them with love and fertility.


Now, wait a minute! I know it’s stinky, but more importantly it’s strong, which is exactly what it will happen to guys. Garlic is chockfull of allicin, an ingredient that will increase blood flow. So, whip up an extra-garlicky dish and keep the Altoids handy.


Oysters are probably the food most associated with being an aphrodisiac, and most people are aware of their reputation for increasing sexual desire. Oysters may be thought an aphrodisiac because of their high zinc content, which helps produce sperm and increases libido. Raw oysters are best served with a glass of chilled Champagne for a truly romantic meal!

1 -- HONEY

Sweet, sticky honey is a great source of boron, a trace mineral that helps the body use and metabolize estrogen, the female sex hormone. Studies have shown that this mineral may also enhance testosterone levels in the blood, the hormone responsible for promoting sex drive and orgasm in both men and women. In addition, honey contains B vitamins needed for testosterone, as well as other nutrients, enzymes and phytochemicals.

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Sunday, July 7, 2013

Vitamin and Mineral Benefits

from rollingpastry blog at

begin quotation

VITAMIN A: Promotes skeletal growth, normal tooth structure, healthy mucous membranes, healthy skin, eyes and hair; essential for night vision. NATURAL SOURCES: Fish liver oils, liver, carrots, green and yellow vegetables, dairy products.

VITAMIN D: Promotes bone and tooth development and normal growth; aids utilization of phosphorus and calcium; maintains nervous system and    heart action; prevents rickets.

VITAMIN E: Protects body’s store of Vitamin A, tissues and fat from destructive oxidation, and breakdown of red corpuscles; strengthens capillary walls; regulates menstrual rhythm; prevents loss of other vitamins; aids blood flow to heart; lowers blood cholesterol and fatty acids; vital to cell health; regulates protein and calcium metabolism. NATURAL SOURCES: Soybeans, vegetable oils, broccoli, brussels sprouts, leafy greens, enriched flour, whole wheat, wheat germ, whole grain cereals, eggs.

VITAMIN C: Essential for the formation of collagen; needed for absorption of iron, some proteins and folic acid; prevents oxidation of other vitamins; aids in metabolism of amino acids and calcium; stops internal bleeding; strengthens blood vessels maintains hard bones and teeth; promotes stamina; holds body cells together prevents infections, colds, fatigue and stress; reduces allergies; heals wounds and burns. NATURAL SOURCES: Citrus fruits, berries, green and leafy vegetables, tomatoes, cauliflower, potatoes, sweet potatoes.

VITAMIN B-6: Aids metabolism of protein carbohydrates and fats; controls cholesterol level; aids chemical balance between blood and tissue; prevents water retention; builds hemoglobin. NATURAL SOURCES: Brewer’s yeast, wheat bran, wheat germ, organ meats, beef, avocados, bananas, milk, eggs.

VITAMIN B-1: (Thiamine): Helps convert sugar and starches into energy; promotes digestion, strong heart muscle, child growth; prevents fatigue, fat deposits in arteries. NATURAL SOURCES: Whole wheat, dried yeast, oatmeal, peanuts, pork, bran, enriched rice, sunflower seeds, soybean sprouts.

VITAMIN B-2: (Riboflavin): Aids in releasing energy to body cells; enables utilization of fats, proteins and sugars. NATURAL SOURCES: Dairy products, liver, kidney, yeast, leafy greens, fish, eggs.

VITAMIN B-12: Promotes utilization of protein, fats and carbohydrates; essential for formation of red blood cells; builds nucleic acid; prevents pernicious anemia; helps nervous system. NATURAL SOURCES: Liver, beef, pork, eggs, dairy products, shellfish.

CALCIUM: Builds bones and teeth; aids in proper function of muscles, heart, nerves, and iron utilization; helps blood coagulation; regulates the passage of nutrients in and out of cells; relieves pain and cramps; eases insomnia. NATURAL SOURCES: Dairy products, soybeans, sunflower seeds, legumes, sardines.

MAGNESIUM: Reduces blood cholesterol; forms hard tooth enamel and fights tooth decay; aids in converting blood sugar into energy; helps regulate body temperature; aids nerve function and bone growth; helps utilize Vitamins B, C, E; promotes absorption and metabolism of other minerals; activates enzymes for metabolism of carbohydrates and amino acids; prevents calcium deposits in the bladder, heart attacks, depression, polio. NATURAL RESOURCES: Nuts, figs, seeds, dark-green vegetables, wheat bran, avocados, bananas.

IRON: Present in all cells; one of the constituents of hemoglobin which carries oxygen to the tissues by blood circulation. NATURAL RESOURCES: Liver, meat, raw clams, oysters, oatmeal, nuts, beans, wheat germ.

IODINE: Aids thyroid gland and prevents goiter; helps burn fat; converts carotene into Vitamin A; aids absorption of carbohydrates from small intestine; promotes growth; regulates energy production; maintains hair, nails skin and teeth. NATURAL SOURCES: Kelp, seafood, vegetables.

end quotation

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Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet

"Veggie-Heart" from: www.—-eat-beautiful-skin/

Following from "Maximizing the Vegetarian Diet" brosure found at Whole Foods grocery store in Sacramento, CA in June, 2013:

begin quotation

The Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet

The health benefits associated with eating more vegetables and fruits are indisputably clear. In general, vegetarians consume less saturated fats and cholesterol than people on an average American diet, and they consume higher levels of fiber, magnesium, folate, vitamins C and E, carotenoids and phytochemicals. More specifically, studies have shown a positive link between eating a vegetarian diet and a reduced risk for chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, hypertension, coronary artery disease and some types of cancer.

Optimum Health

Good planning and forethought are essential. While it's true that several key nutrients found primarily in animal products cannot be obtained as easily from plant-based foods, there are ways to maximise your absorption and utilization of these important vitamins and minerals. To maintain optimum health, it is especially important that vegetarians consume adequate amounts of the following nutrients.

° Protein from beans and lentils; soy products such as tempeh, tofu and soy-based meat substitutes; dairy and eggs.

° Iron from legumes (chickpeas, lentils, adzucki and kidney beans), nuts and seeds (cashews; almonds; pumpkin, sunflower and sesame seeds - including sesame tahini); whole and enriched grains.

° Zinc from legumes (adzuki and navy beans, split peas); nuts and seeds (cashews, pumpkin and sunflower seeds); whole and enriched grains (fortified cereal and wheat germ); soy foods.

° Iodine from iodised salt, kelp powder and other sea vegetables.

° Essential Fatty Acids from direct sources such as micro-algae supplements, omega-3 enriched eggs and seaweed. Secondary sources include flaxseed oil, hempseed oil, walnuts, and canola oil.

° Vitamin B12 from B12 supplements, fortified meat substitutes and cereals, non-dairy milk beverages, nutritional yeast, eggs and dairy.

° Calcium from low-oxylate leafy greens (broccoli, kale, collards, okra), dairy, tofu, soy milk, almonds,  legumes, dried figs and calcium-fortified foods.

° Vitamin D from warm-month sun exposure, vitamin D supplements, fortified cow's milk and soy milk, fortified cereals and egg yolks.

end quotation

"Broccoli Curry" from:

Find extended information about maximizing the vegetarian diet at:

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Dr. Joel Wallach - The 90 Essential Vitamins & Minerals

Dr. Joel Wallach is both a Veterinary Doctor and a Medical Doctor with a vast, encyclopaedic knowledge and experience concerning optimal health, longevity and nutrition for animals and people. He asserts that medical studies have shown that over 95% of Americans have Essential Vitamins & Mineral deficiencies that cause over 600 curable diseases.

He says from his experience as a Veterinarian that many common, modern human diseases have been cured over 50 years ago for animals both inexpensively and effectively. He says from his experience as a Medical Doctor that we humans also benefit greatly from these Essential Vitamins & Minerals and health principals and that we can find common sense, simple and cost effective answers to the enormous and growing health crises of modern life.

Most basic, he says we are starved of the ingredients the billions of cells in our bodies need daily to combat disease, to live, to grow and to function optimally. This is a very famous and well received lecture that has improved and changed countless lives. I hope that you will take the time to listen, learn, find a way to follow and then share with family and friends this priceless knowledge.

"Dr. Joel Wallach has published numerous books on dietary deficiencies and their resultant effects. Dr. Wallach conducts approximately 300 lectures annually to overflowing and enthusiastic audiences and has sold over 40 million cassettes/CD's which are recordings of the lecture 'Dead Doctors Don't Lie'."
from Dr. Wallach's website,

Dr. Joel Wallach - The 90 Essential Vitamins & Minerals - Part 1 of 2

 Dr. Joel Wallach - The 90 Essential Vitamins & Minerals - Part 2 of 2

Dr. Joel Wallach - The Best of Dead Doctors Don't Lie

English-French Translation by (Traduction anglais-français par) Google Translate

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Healthy Eating

Begin quote (from  Prodigy Diabetes Care blogpost) :


"One of the most important ways to manage diabetes is by eating the right foods in the right amounts. Everyone with diabetes should have a meal plan. Knowing how much to eat, what to eat, and when to eat is also important. Your doctor, dietitian or certified diabetes educator can help you develop a meal plan that works for you.

Some guidelines to eating healthy are: 

• Plan your meals
• Do not skip meals
• Eat when you are hungry and stop when you are satisfied
• Eat meals and snacks at regular times every day
• Eat three balanced meals a day plus snacks, spread them out during the day
• Eat a variety of foods
• Add color to meals with fresh fruits and vegetables
• Enjoy plenty of whole grains
• Make sure you get enough fiber every day
• Watch portion sizes
• Slow down and enjoy the flavor of each bite of food

The three major nutrients in food are:

• Carbohydrates
• Proteins
• Fats


Carbohydrates are the body’s main energy source. The majority of the carbohydrates we eat are in the form of starch or sugar. Carbohydrates increase blood sugar the most. Almost 100% of carbohydrates are absorbed as sugar or glucose. On average, 50% of calories each day come from carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are measured in grams. All types of carbohydrates have the same effect on blood sugar levels.


Protein is broken down into amino acids. Amino acids are used to repair and replace body tissues. Protein has much less effect on your blood glucose levels than carbohydrates. It does not easily turn into glucose. Protein is mainly found in meat, fish, poultry, eggs, cheese, milk, nuts, and dried beans. It is recommended that you eat 2-3 servings per day. Select lean meats such as chicken (white meat, without skin), low fat or fat free cheese, and beans.


There are two types of fats, healthy fat and unhealthy fat. Healthy fats are monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and omega-3 fats. Unhealthy fats are saturated and trans fat. To lower your risk of heart disease, eat less of the unhealthy fats. All fats are high in calories so it is important to eat the correct portion sizes. Cut back on saturated and trans fats, substitute them with the healthy fats. Instead of 1 cheese stick for an afternoon snack, have 12 almonds. The change will help in keeping a healthy heart.

Unhealthy Fats

Saturated fat increases blood cholesterol levels. High blood cholesterol is a risk factor for heart disease. People with diabetes are at high risk for heart disease, by lowering your saturated fat intake you can lower your risk of having a heart attack or stroke.

Saturated fat foods include high-fat dairy products such as; full-fat cheese, cream, ice cream, whole milk and 2%, and our cream. High-fat meats include regular ground beef, bologna, hot dogs, sausage, bacon, poultry with skin, and spareribs.

Trans fat increases blood cholesterol levels. It is actually unhealthier than saturated fat. For a heart-healthy diet; you want to eat as little trans fat as possible by avoiding all foods that contain it. Trans fats are listed on the label, making it easier to identify these foods. Unless there is at least 0.5 grams or more of trans fat in a food, the label can claim 0 grams. If you want to avoid as much trans fat as possible, you must read the ingredient list on food labels.

Trans fat foods include:

• Processed foods
• Snacks (crackers and chips)
• Baked goods (muffins, cookies and cakes) with hydrogenated oil or partially hydrogenated oil
• Stick margarines
• Shortening
• Some fast food items such as french fries

Another unhealthy fat is cholesterol. The body naturally makes some cholesterol in your blood. The rest comes from the consumption of some foods. Foods from animals are mainly sources of dietary cholesterol. Cholesterol that comes from the foods you eat may increase blood cholesterol, it is recommended to eat less than 200 mg per day. Cholesterol is required on food labels. Foods that contain cholesterol include high-fat dairy products, egg yolks, liver and other organ meats, and high fat meat and poultry skin.

Healthy Fats

Monounsaturated fats are called “good or healthy” fats because they can lower your bad (LDL) cholesterol. Foods that contain monounsaturated fat include avocado, canola oil, nuts, olives, and peanut butter.

Polyunsaturated fats are also “healthy” fats. ADA recommends that you include these in your diet as well as monounsaturated fats. Some sources of polyunsaturated fats come from oils such as a corn, cottonseed, soybean and sunflower oils. Walnuts and salad dressing are also sources of polyunsaturated fats.

Omega-3 fatty acids help prevent clogging of the arteries. Some types of fish that are high in omega-3 fatty acid are albacore tuna, herring, mackerel, rainbow trout, and salmon. Some plant foods are also sources of omega-3 fatty acids for example tofu, walnuts, and canola oil. The ADA recommends eating non-fried fish 2 or 3 times a week.

Source: NOTE: The Food & Drug Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency have issued a joint consumer advisory about mercury in fish and shellfish. This advice is for women who might become pregnant; women who are pregnant; nursing mothers; and young children. Your fish and shellfish consumption should be limited to no more than 12 oz. per week."

End quote (from Prodigy Diabetes Care blogpost -

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Monday, May 27, 2013

Why Do Dogs Live Less Than Humans? Answer of a 6-year-old boy (Français: Pourquoi les chiens vivent-ils moins que des humains ? Réponse d'un garçon de 6 années)

Portrait of beloved Jessie (1994 - 2006) who forever sleeps
in peaceful beauty and final harmony at Les Zeribas with our
lost loves, Maggie (1993 - 2007) and Mona Lisa (1992 - 2007)

Begin quote from blog post: "Love is a Four-Legged Word - Share your love for your pets":

"This is not my story, I didn’t write this, but I truly enjoyed it, so here goes:

Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolfhound named Belker. The dog’s owners, Ron, his wife Lisa, and their little boy Shane, were all very attached to Belker, and they were hoping for a miracle.

I examined Belker and found he was dying of cancer. I told the family we couldn’t do anything for Belker, and offered to perform the euthanasia procedure for the old dog in their home.

As we made arrangements, Ron and Lisa told me they thought it would be good for six-year-old Shane to observe the procedure. They felt as though Shane might learn something from the experience.

The next day, I felt the familiar catch in my throat as Belker ‘s family surrounded him. Shane seemed so calm, petting the old dog for the last time, that I wondered if he understood what was going on. Within a few minutes, Belker slipped peacefully away.

The little boy seemed to accept Belker’s transition without any difficulty or confusion. We sat together for a while after Belker’s Death, wondering aloud about the sad fact that animal lives are shorter than human lives.  Shane, who had been listening quietly, piped up, ”I know why.”

Startled, we all turned to him. What came out of his mouth next stunned me. I’d never heard a more comforting explanation. It has changed the way I try and live.

He said, ”People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life — like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right?” The Six-year-old continued,

”Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don’t have to stay as long.”

Live simply.

Love generously.

Care deeply.

Speak kindly.

Remember, if a dog was the teacher you would learn things like:

When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.

Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.

Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure Ecstasy.

Take naps.

Stretch before rising.

Run, romp, and play daily.

Thrive on attention and let people touch you.

Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.

On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.

On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.

When you’re happy, dance around and wag your entire body.

Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.

Be loyal.

Never pretend to be something you’re not.

If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.

When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by, and nuzzle them gently.


Author : Unknown

Please share"

End quote from blog post: "Love is a Four-Legged Word - Share your love for your pets"

English-French Translation by (Traduction anglais-français par) Google Translate

Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Best Diet

The science is clear 

The science is in and it's crystal clear on what the healthiest diet is.

It's also possibly the least expensive and the tastiest too, but that's another story.

This diet not only helps prevent 12 major life threatening and disabling diseases, it can also stop their progress and even in some cases like diabetes and heart disease, reverse it.

Why haven't you heard of this diet?

Because the corporations that control the US food industry can't get rich on it and the Corporate State would prefer that you not know about it and be endlessly confused.

Thanks to Brasscheck TV for editing down the essence of this hour long presentations into less than 10 minutes.

Text/video from:
Video embedded from:

____ (Traduction anglais-français ci-dessous par Google Translate)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Humpback Whale Shows AMAZING Appreciation After Being Freed From Nets

from: JoinWakeUpWorld channel on Youtube.

read the story:

Blood Sugar Level Balance: Strategy to Reduce Belly Fat and Brain Fog

begin quote

Blood Sugar Level Balance: 
Strategy to Reduce Belly Fat and Brain Fog

by Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS. DC, CCN, DACBN
(from: The Best Years in Life at 

Earlier, I posted articles about managing your stress and a very special type of exercise called Burst training. Third on the list of strategies for reducing belly fat and brain fog. is reducing excess insulin production and reversing insulin resistance. This is hugely important

Function and Dysfunction of Insulin

Insulin gets secreted in response to elevation of your blood sugar. This can be after a meal or as a result of stress. The relationship between cortisol and insulin is circular. Increased cortisol raises blood sugar which causes an increase in insulin which causes cortisol to go up.

Under normal circumstances, after a meal, the increased glucose and/or amino acids in the blood cause the pancreas to secrete insulin. The more glucose, the more insulin that’s produced. Insulin binds to the cell membranes and triggers glucose receptors in cell membrane to open up and let the glucose in. Glucose, amino acids, fats, magnesium and other nutrients are then transported into the cell, the mitochondria produce energy and everyone is happy. Once the nutrients are cleared from the blood, the pancreas stops secreting insulin.

Even under normal circumstances, insulin has some undesirable effects. But like most things in your body, it’s a double edged sword. It has its good side and its bad side. Insulin is absolutely necessary to get the sugar out of your blood and into the cells where it can be converted to energy. Without insulin, your blood sugar would skyrocket and you’d become diabetic.

The negative effects of insulin are

Preferential use of glucose over fat as fuel
Inhibits the burning of fat by the cells
Inhibits growth hormone
Slightly depresses thyroid effects by blunting conversion of T-4 to T-3.

Insulin is chronically elevated when you eat foods high in carbohydrates that stimulate a rapid rise in glucose, and when you eat your meals too close together. When this happens, you are in a constant state of inhibited fat burning, low growth hormone and, lowered metabolic. The end result is you can’t lose the belly fat.

Excess insulin can cause your blood sugar to get too low, leading to the brain fog, irritability and ravenous appetite caused by low blood sugar.

On top of everything else, after a while the insulin receptors on your cells get tired of the constant insulin stimulation and they basically put their hands over their ears and say: Enough!


When your cells become resistant to insulin, one of three things happens.

Insulin can’t keep up with the demand and your blood sugar starts to rise, leading to diabetes
Insulin gets really good at clearing the blood sugar triggering fat storage and your midsection grows steadily.
Insulin gets too good at clearing the glucose. Not only does your fat storage increase, your blood sugar plummets and you experience the symptoms of reactive hypoglycemia.

The problem happens when you eat a lot of foods that trigger insulin to be released or when you’re chronically stressed and cortisol causes your blood sugar to elevate. Then what happens is either the circulating insulin does not bind to the insulin receptors on the cell, or it binds, but its effects are deficient, and the nutrients are not efficiently cleared from blood. This causes your pancreas to continue to secrete more insulin causing high levels of insulin for a long period of time before nutrients are cleared. As a result you experience deficient function in insulin resistant cells, like your liver, fat, and untrained muscle due to insufficient energy production. It also results in the anabolic effects of excess insulin, namely increased body fat, especially around the middle.

Not all cells become insulin resistant. The cells lining your blood vessels don’t become resistant to excess insulin and thus suffer the adverse effects of excess insulin, namely oxidative damage to blood vessel linings. This can result in thickening, narrowing and plaque formation resulting in atherosclerosis, high blood pressure and increased risk of heart attack.

Excess insulin can also result in the adverse systemic effects of inflammation, water retention, suppressed fat burning, blunted growth hormone and low thyroid hormone.

SO…what should you do?

First and foremost, get off ALL sugar and processed foods. That means no bread, even gluten free, no cookies, crackers (except raw dehydrated ones, made from vegetables, nuts and seeds) no cakes, pastries, candies and fruit juice. These foods trigger blood sugar spikes which trigger excess insulin release.

You also need to restore your cell’s receptivity to insulin. There are a number of nutrients like chromium, magnesium, glutamine and zinc that are important here.

I’ve had great results with a 30 day program for restoring insulin receptor sensitivity. I call it my IRS restoration system, short for Insulin Receptor Sensitivity Restoration System.

Insulin Receptor Sensitivity Restoration System

Remove all foods that trigger blood sugar spikes: sugar, all grains, potatoes, fruit juice, dried fruit and high glycemic fruits like bananas and grapes. I recommend my patients purchase a glucose meter and test the fruits to determine which ones they need to eliminate. I also recommend that whenever fruit is consumed it’s taken with green leafy vegetables like lettuce, spinach and sprouts. Smoothies are the best way to eat fruit.

Supplement with the nutrients needed to restore regulation. In general these may be chromium, magnesium, glutamine, zinc and the B vitamins. It can vary from person to person.

Supplement with DHA, an omega 3 fat that’s vital for insulin sensitivity. This can be in a plant form, from algae or from fish.Insulin resistance and blood sugar level imbalance are not minor inconveniences that can be ignored. The long term consequences are serious and life threatening.

Retrain your tongue and get your blood sugar and insulin under control so you can live a long and happy life with a flat belly, clear head and a renewal enjoyment of your life.

Love, Health, and Joy,

Dr. Ritamarie


Bellisle F, et al. Meal Frequency and energy balance. British Journal of Nutrition. 1997; 77:(Suppl. 1) s57-s70.
Byron, J. Richards, CCN. Mastering Leptin.
Clark, Dr. Dennis. PhD. Belly Fat Book: 5 Steps to a Slimmer and Healthier You.
Halberg N, et al. Effect of intermittent fasting and refeeding on insulin action in healthy men. Journal of Applied Physiology 2005; 99:2128-2136.
Heilbronn LK, et al. Alternate-day fasting in non-obese subjects: effects on body weight, body composition, and energy metabolism. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2005; 81:69-73.
Moller N, Jorgensen JO. Effects of growth hormone on glucose, lipid and protein metabolism in human subjects. Endocrine Reviews. 2009; 30:152-177.
Pilon, Brad, MS. Eat, Stop, Eat.
Verboeket-Van De Venne WPHG, et al. Effect of the pattern of food intake on human energy metabolism. British Journal of Nutrition. 1993; 70:103-115.
Vogels N, Westerterp-Plantenga MS. Successful Long-term weight Maintenance: A 2-year follow up. Obesity: 15 (5); 2007 1258-1266.

See also:

Natural Help for Diabetes at

About the author

Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo holds a Doctor of Chiropractic Degree with Certification in Acupuncture, and is a Diplomat of the American Clinical Nutrition Board. She is a Certified Clinical Nutritionist, with a Master of Science in Human Nutrition. She also holds a Master of Science in Computer Science from New York University. She is also certified as a living foods chef, instructor, coach and teacher.

Her articles have appeared in the Journal of Nutritional Perspectives, Natural Awakenings, Purely Delicious, and many other national magazines as well as countless online publications. She is in great demand as a speaker at conferences nationwide. She is the founder of the International Association of OnLine Holistic Nutrition Professionals (AOLNP) and the author of several books.

end quote

Be sure to visit her main website at:

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Sunday, April 28, 2013

"Sugar, the society stealth killer" by Auroria

Four Stages of Acidic Life

Sugar, the society stealth killer

Counting the Many Ways Sugar Harms Your Health
Contributed by Nancy Appleton, PhD
Author of the book Lick The Sugar Habit

In addition to throwing off the body's homeostasis, excess sugar may result in a number of other significant consequences. The following is a listing of some of sugar's metabolic consequences from a variety of medical journals and other scientific publications.

•Sugar can suppress your immune system and impair your defenses against infectious disease.
•Sugar upsets the mineral relationships in your body: causes chromium and copper deficiencies and interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium.
•Sugar can cause can cause a rapid rise of adrenaline, hyperactivity, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and crankiness in children.
•Sugar can produce a significant rise in total cholesterol, triglycerides and bad cholesterol and a decrease in good cholesterol.
•Sugar causes a loss of tissue elasticity and function.
•Sugar feeds cancer cells and has been connected with the development of cancer of the breast, ovaries, prostate, rectum, pancreas, biliary tract, lung, gallbladder and stomach.
•Sugar can increase fasting levels of glucose and can cause reactive hypoglycemia.
•Sugar can weaken eyesight.
•Sugar can cause many problems with the gastrointestinal tract including: an acidic digestive tract, indigestion, malabsorption in patients with functional bowel disease, increased risk of Crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis.
•Sugar can cause premature aging.
•Sugar can lead to alcoholism.
•Sugar can cause your saliva to become acidic, tooth decay, and periodontal disease.
•Sugar contributes to obesity.
•Sugar can cause autoimmune diseases such as: arthritis, asthma, multiple sclerosis.
•Sugar greatly assists the uncontrolled growth of Candida Albicans (yeast infections).
•Sugar can cause gallstones.
•Sugar can cause appendicitis.
•Sugar can cause hemorrhoids.
•Sugar can cause varicose veins.
•Sugar can elevate glucose and insulin responses in oral contraceptive users.
•Sugar can contribute to osteoporosis.
•Sugar can cause a decrease in your insulin sensitivity thereby causing an abnormally high insulin levels and eventually diabetes.
•Sugar can lower your Vitamin E levels.
•Sugar can increase your systolic blood pressure.
•Sugar can cause drowsiness and decreased activity in children.
•High sugar intake increases advanced glycation end products (AGEs)(Sugar molecules attaching to and thereby damaging proteins in the body).
•Sugar can interfere with your absorption of protein.
•Sugar causes food allergies.
•Sugar can cause toxemia during pregnancy.
•Sugar can contribute to eczema in children.
•Sugar can cause atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease
•Sugar can impair the structure of your DNA.
•Sugar can change the structure of protein and cause a permanent alteration of the way the proteins act in your body.
•Sugar can make your skin age by changing the structure of collagen.
•Sugar can cause cataracts and nearsightedness
•Sugar can cause emphysema.
•High sugar intake can impair the physiological homeostasis of many systems in your body.65
•Sugar lowers the ability of enzymes to function.
•Sugar intake is higher in people with Parkinson's disease.
•Sugar can increase the size of your liver by making your liver cells divide and it can increase the amount of liver fat.
•Sugar can increase kidney size and produce pathological changes in the kidney such as the formation of kidney stones.
•Sugar can damage your pancreas.
•Sugar can increase your body's fluid retention.
•Sugar is enemy #1 of your bowel movement.
•Sugar can compromise the lining of your capillaries.
•Sugar can make your tendons more brittle.
•Sugar can cause headaches, including migraines.
•Sugar can reduce the learning capacity, adversely affect school children's grades and cause learning disorders.
•Sugar can cause an increase in delta, alpha, and theta brain waves which can alter your mind's ability to think clearly.
•Sugar can cause depression.
•Sugar can increase your risk of gout.
•Sugar can increase your risk of Alzheimer's disease.
•Sugar can cause hormonal imbalances such as: increasing estrogen in men, exacerbating , and decreasing growth hormone.
•Sugar can lead to dizziness.
•Diets high in sugar will increase free radicals and oxidative stress.
•High sucrose diets of subjects with peripheral vascular disease significantly increases platelet adhesion.
•High sugar consumption of pregnant adolescents can lead to substantial decrease in gestation duration and is associated with a twofold increased risk for delivering a small-for-gestational-age (SGA) infant.
•Sugar is an addictive substance.
•Sugar can be intoxicating, similar to alcohol.
•Sugar given to premature babies can affect the amount of carbon dioxide they produce.
•Decrease in sugar intake can increase emotional stability.
•Your body changes sugar into 2 to 5 times more fat in the bloodstream than it does starch.
•The rapid absorption of sugar promotes excessive food intake in obese subjects.
•Sugar can worsen the symptoms of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
•Sugar adversely affects urinary electrolyte composition.
•Sugar can slow down the ability of your adrenal glands to function.
•Sugar has the potential of inducing abnormal metabolic processes in a normal healthy individual and to promote chronic degenerative diseases.
•I.V.s (intravenous feedings) of sugar water can cut off oxygen to your brain.
•Sugar increases your risk of polio.
•High sugar intake can cause epileptic seizures.
•Sugar causes high blood pressure in obese people.
•In intensive care units: Limiting sugar saves lives.
•Sugar may induce cell death.
•In juvenile rehabilitation camps, when children were put on a low sugar diet, there was a percent drop in antisocial behavior.
•Sugar dehydrates newborns.
•Sugar can cause gum disease

____ (Traduction anglais-français ci-dessous par Google Translate)

Photo from:
Content from blog post:
"Which Drugs Actually Kill Americans"
by Katie Peek - Posted 04.23.2013
and in comments after article by Auroria at 4/23/12 @ 10:58 AM

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Young Man Follows His Heart and Dream with Creative Resignation Letter on a Cake!

quoted from www. business

"Man Brilliantly Quits His Job To Pursue Dream Job 
with Resignation Letter Written On A Cake"

"If you're going to quit your job to pursue your dream job of making cakes for a living, then writing your resignation letter on a cake is definitely the right move.

The cake notes that it's the person's 31st birthday, and that he realizes how precious life is, so he wants to do a job that lets him spend more time with his family, while pursuing something he's actually interested in.

Note the bottom of the cake has a nice plug for his business, so this is great marketing as well:

So, my brother-in-law has resigned from his 9-to-5 job in spectacular  
fashion. Jerry Maguire meets Masterchef.…
— stuart jackson (@ee_stu) April 16, 2013(Via @lucytobin and @Roeld_)"


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Charlie Chaplin's Great Dictator's Final Speech (Oct.1940) - A Message for All Humanity

from: Tragedyand Hope YouTube channel -

Charlie Chaplin's Great Dictator's Final Speech

""Speak - it is our only hope" "Hope -
I'm sorry but I don't want to be an Emperor - that's not my business - I don't want to rule or conquer anyone. I should like to help everyone if possible, Jew, gentile, black man, white. We all want to help one another, human beings are like that.
We all want to live by each other's happiness, not by each other's misery. We don't want to hate and despise one another. In this world there is room for everyone and the earth is rich and can provide for everyone.
The way of life can be free and beautiful.
But we have lost the way.
Greed has poisoned men's souls -
has barricaded the world with hate;
has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed.
We have developed speed but we have shut ourselves in:
machinery that gives abundance has left us in want.
Our knowledge has made us cynical,
our cleverness hard and unkind.
We think too much and feel too little:
More than machinery we need humanity;
More than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness.
Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost.
The airplane and the radio have brought us closer together.
The very nature of these inventions cries out for the goodness in men, cries out for universal brotherhood for the unity of us all.
Even now my voice is reaching millions throughout the world, millions of despairing men, women and little children, victims of a system that makes men torture and imprison innocent people.
To those who can hear me I say "Do not despair".
The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed, the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress: the hate of men will pass and dictators die and the power they took from the people , will return to the people and so long as men die [now] liberty will never perish. . .
Soldiers - don't give yourselves to brutes, men who despise you and enslave you - who regiment your lives, tell you what to do, what to think and what to feel, who drill you, diet you, treat you as cattle, as cannon fodder.
Don't give yourselves to these unnatural men, machine men, with machine minds and machine hearts. You are not machines.
You are not cattle.
You are men.
You have the love of humanity in your hearts.
You don't hate - only the unloved hate.
Only the unloved and the unnatural.
Soldiers - don't fight for slavery, fight for liberty.
In the seventeenth chapter of Saint Luke it is written "the kingdom of God is within man "
- not one man, nor a group of men - but in all men - in you, the people.
You the people have the power, the power to create machines, the power to create happiness.
You the people have the power to make life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure.
Then in the name of democracy let's use that power - let us all unite.
Let us fight for a new world, a decent world that will give men a chance to work, that will give you the future and old age and security.
By the promise of these things, brutes have risen to power, but they lie.
They do not fulfil their promise, they never will.
Dictators free themselves but they enslave the people.
Now let us fight to fulfil that promise.
Let us fight to free the world, to do away with national barriers, do away with greed, with hate and intolerance.
 Let us fight for a world of reason, a world where science and progress will lead to all men's happiness.
Soldiers - in the name of democracy, let us all unite!
. . .
Look up! Look up!
The clouds are lifting - the sun is breaking through.
We are coming out of the darkness into the light.
We are coming into a new world.
A kind new world where men will rise above their hate and brutality.
The soul of man has been given wings - and at last he is beginning to fly.
He is flying into the rainbow - into the light of hope - into the future, that glorious future that belongs to you, to me and to all of us.
Look up. Look up."

____ (Traduction anglais-français ci-dessous par Google Translate)

from original: Charlie Chaplain's Great Dictator's Final Speech

from: Daniel M. Kobayashi YouTube channel -