Monday, September 26, 2011

The Power of Visualization

"You can change the world. It's easy. How? In this video, scientist Gregg Braden explains how the Law of Attraction works. That there is a field around us, a collective consciousness, in which we all participate. This collective consciousness creates our reality. It can be influenced by us through our DNA, by using the power of our thoughts and our heart. We can use this law on an individual base but also collectively, to change our world. There's even a formula (the square root of 1%) of how many participants are needed to achieve a certain effect for a bigger group (for instance peace). This has been proven scientifically, through experiments. For changing the whole world population this would only take 8,000 participants. The power of visualization is a gift from God for mankind to take fate into our own hands, and not having to stand by and watch powerlessly. So, let's accept this gift gratefully, and use it!!

If you want to participate in future mass visualizations where we use our collective power for causes like cleaning our planet and helping people in need, you can leave your e-mail address at our website"

- Masaru Emoto

Photo and description from:
Video and text from:

____ (Traduction anglais-français ci-dessous par Google Translate)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

100 Years / Syle / East London

The more things change, the more they stay the same. 100 years of changing styles cleverly expressed in dance.

video found at:

A Liter of Light - Solar Powered Light Innovation

A very inspiring grass roots innovation using discarded plastic bottles for very inexpensive and very efficient solar lights in the poor and dark homes of the Phillipines.

video found at:
To donate or volunteer visit:

Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 Tribute to Our Fallen Loved Ones - Let Freedom Ring

9/11 Tribute to Our Fallen Loved Ones  
Let Freedom Ring

Music: "Side by Side" by William McMillan
Sculpture: "Letting Go" by Robb Browne
Images & Artwork: by many wonderful Artists & Truth Seekers found on Internet
Collage: "Let Freedom Ring" by Loveson G. Flower
Animation: "Liberty Falling Down" by Loveson G. Flower
Memorial: created by Loveson G. Flower for "Light of Love" in Septermber, 2005

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Steve Jobs: Before the Turtleneck by Matt's Mcintosh

"Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish" - Steve Jobs

An inspiration video found on Matt's Mcintosh YouTube channel at