Friday, January 21, 2011

"Somewhere Over the Rainbow" by Israel Kamakawiwo'Ole

Dedicated to searchers & dreamers, of every age: “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”

by/par Loveson G. Flower

by/par Renzo Schröder (

Beloved Israel Kamakawiwo'Ole sings his renowned medley of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" and "What a Wonderful World." Israel was among the most known and celebrated of Hawaiian performers with a kind and gentle spirit that is evident in his touching melody. He tragically died in 1997 at an early age (38) and has been sorely missed by his many adoring fans.

According to Wikipedia: "The Hawaii State Flag flew at half-staff on July 10, 1997, the day of Kamakawiwoʻole's funeral. His koa wood coffin lay in state at the Capitol building in Honolulu. He was the third person in Hawaiian history to be awarded this honor, and the only one who was not a government official. Approximately ten thousand people attended the funeral."

The 64 photos of Rainbows were selected from Google and Bing images searches for "rainbow" to help visualize Israel's soaring words and melodious Spirit that still touches and inspires our deep places many years after he has gone. Thank you Israel Kamakawiwo'Ole.

English - French lyrics
____ (Traduction anglais-français ci-dessous par Google Translate)

English:  Tools Used = Apple iMac, iPhoto, iTunes & Quicktime Pro.
Français : Outils utilisés  =  iMac d'Apple, iPhoto, iTunes, Quicktime Pro.

Loveson G. (Gabrielle) Flower (a Nom de “Bloom”)
is an anonymous author & artist whose:

Dream-Awake Spiritual Practice: 
Keep the Mind to the rhyme. Let the Heart do its part. 
So beyond either mode, the Soul shows the road. 

Life Purpose: 
Help free Spirits of fellow creatures & myself. See Beauty, others
& me. Reduce suffering. Help bring Light to Shadow & vice-versa. 

Life Plan: 
All is Welcome. Follow Light & Love.
Be a Team. Cultivate calm. Breathe. Forgive. Let Go.

Friday, January 14, 2011

How Great A Man Was Thomas Jefferson?

"Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of a day; but a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period, and pursued unalterably through every change of ministers, too plainly prove a deliberate, systematical plan of reducing us to slavery."
-Thomas Jefferson

How Great A Man Was Thomas Jefferson?
From Judy Andreas

Thomas Jefferson was a very remarkable man who started learning very early in life and never stopped.
At 5, began studying under his cousin's tutor.
At 9, studied Latin, Greek and French.
At 14, studied classical literature and additional languages.
At 16, entered the College of William and Mary.
At 19, studied Law for 5 years starting under George Wythe.
At 23, started his own law practice.
At 25, was elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses.
At 31, wrote the widely circulated "Summary View of the Rights of British America" and retired from his law practice.
At 33, wrote the Declaration of Independence.
At 33, took three years to revise Virginia's legal code and wrote a Public Education bill and a statute for Religious Freedom.
At 36, was elected the second Governor of Virginia succeeding Patrick Henry.
At 40, served in Congress for two years.
At 41, was the American minister to France and negotiated commercial treaties with European nations along with Ben Franklin and John Adams.
At 46, served as the first Secretary of State under George Washington.
At 53, served as Vice President and was elected president of the American Philosophical Society.
At 55, drafted the Kentucky Resolutions and became the active head of the Democratic-Republican Party.
At 57, was elected the third president of the United States.
At 60, obtained the Louisiana Purchase doubling the nation's size.
At 61, was elected to a second term as President.
At 65, retired to Monticello.
At 80, helped President Monroe shape the Monroe Doctrine.

At 81, almost single-handedly created the University of Virginia and served as its first president.

At 83, died on the 50th anniversary of the Signing of the Declaration of Independence along with John Adams
Thomas Jefferson knew because he himself studied the previous failed attempts at government. He understood actual history, the nature of God, his laws and the nature of man. That happens to be way more than what most understand today. Jefferson really knew his stuff. A voice from the past to lead us in the future:
John F. Kennedy held a dinner in the white House for a group of the brightest minds in the nation at that time. He made this statement: "This is perhaps the assembly of the most intelligence ever to gather at one time in the White House with the exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone."
When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe. Thomas Jefferson

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not. Thomas Jefferson

It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world. Thomas Jefferson

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them. Thomas Jefferson

My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government. Thomas Jefferson
No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. Thomas Jefferson

The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government. Thomas Jefferson

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. Thomas Jefferson

To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical. Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson said in 1802: I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property - until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.

Portrait of Thomas Jefferson by Rembrandt Peale
Image from internet via Google:
Text from:

Monday, January 10, 2011

Passing Hearts by futureshorts

Director: Johan Brisinger / Sweden / 2006

The story of Daniel's poignant meeting with the family whose late son saved his life.

Found on:

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Post-It Love by futureshorts

Director: Si & AD / UK / 2008

Shy girl meets shy boy in the office, and they find a new way of expressing their affection in this endearing film.

Music: Masaki Kurihara, Kuricorder Orchestra
Editing: Sam Rice Edwards
Cast: Charity Wakefield, Lee Ingleby
DoP: Carl Neilsson
Producers: Elizabeth Gower, Lucy Gossage

Appears courtesy of Academy Films: