11 days intensity,
11 days of fun.
7 ways of expressing
How love was welcome.
Little girls and teenagers,
3 girls and a boy;
Little puppy loving pure
Filled our world with joy.
Barbara, Thomas, and Jan,
Lisa, Katjia;
With Nina and Daisy fun.
Weeping for Mona.
Breakfast on the "Beau Terrace."
Hiking at the sea
While I buried Mona at last
By Maggie & Jessie;
Underneath beautiful trees,
Underneath a heart
Made of stones so love can see
The Wonder that they were.
A week quite miraculous
That filled up my life
To see Light of miracles
That still come sometimes
When I feel sunshine
Of warm care of mine
Shared with loved-ones fine.
Vacation Elation
by Loveson G. Flower
La Terrace Restaurant, Les Castellet
12:30 PM Monday, July 21, 2008

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