Dedicated to my best friend and heroine, Pat. Who loves so much, and who has always grown so much and so fast; that her tired heart must work very hard.
Here at the coffee shop again,
I sip coffee and think of friend.
Who isn't well with heart disease.
Who might be felled like forest trees.
They've lived so long. They've seen so much:
The birdies song, the season's touch,
While always growing every year;
Though springtimes growth, through cold winter.
Until she became oh, so grand
To see horizon's understand,
The edge of life and then beyond.
She pledged her life to healing's song.
For all the birds and animals,
She always heard their joys and wails.
Whatever state she found them in,
With loving grace, she would listen.
To help their problems go away
By her caring and holding way
By her attentive listening
She tried to give to help them sing.

The wrongs undone, the solved horrors,
The understanding and the growth,
The wonder of loving to know;
They all remember started there,
The Loving Tree whose heart was shared.
Whose branches, roots, seeds, stems and leaves;
Love's Truth pursued, in them believed.
And although time perhaps does come
Past her Sunshine, her loving Sun;
All those she touched will remember
To hold and touch like loved Mentor.
The Loving Tree
by Loveson G. Flower
Saturday, 8:00 AM 29 July 2006
at Starbucks, Sacramento
Yosemite Sequoia photos from: http://photo.whiteoaks.com - vacation photos: IMG_3130.jpg and IMG_3123.jpg
Photo by humpalumpa of perhaps the world's most grand, living tree: "General Sherman" in the Sequoia National Park, California from "10 Most Magnificent Trees in the World." "General Sherman" is 275 feet (83.8 m) tall, with over 52,500 cubic feet of volume (1,486 m³), and over 6000 tons in weight being approximately 2,200 years old.
Please visit: www.neatorama.com/2007/03/21/
10-most-magnificent-trees-in-the-world/ and www.flickr.com/photos/humpalumpa/287387841/ and