Was a little emperor
Conceited and proud.
Couldn't see his bitter war.
Mistreated all around.
Had a special language there
Only he could know.
Couldn't special language share.
Loneliness did grow.
Was surprised finally
When emperor learned.
Opened eyes to then see
Empire did burn.
No one really wanted
To learn his language.
Lonely, silly man sad
Yearning to be Sage.
Dream Journal Tuesday morning:
"Was an emperor who had a language that no one was allowed to know except him. As a mark of difference. He was a lonely, pathetic figure. Seems like others really didn't want to know his language."
Lonely Emperor
by Loveson G. Flower
Tuesday, 8:05AM 2/17/98
Home in bed
Picture from "The Emperor's New Clothes" by Hans Christian Andersen at www.mindfully.org/Reform/Emperors-New-Clothes.htm