The following chronological collection of Heart Songs were compiled after a life changing saga at the end of mid-life. They represent windows to perhaps unconscious understandings, knowing and going by a practice called Dream-Awake:
"Keep the mind to the rhyme.
Let the heart do its part.
So beyond either mode,
The Soul shows the road."
(from "How to Dream Awake," 5/17/97)
In November, 1996 a "Planting the Seeds" ceremony and ritual occurred where close friends participated in the spiritual beginnings of my multi-media studio and the sharing of my life's Vision and Purpose. Within 4 months of this ceremony, the creativity in many dimensions was exploding. I realized that I seemed pregnant in an artistic, spiritual way - impregnated by the love, concern, and support by those in my world present and past, and by my evolving inner self.
Going with the pregnancy metaphor, using the Dream-Awake method to get in touch with inner feelings and places, the "baby" was born August 3rd, 1997. What is the baby? The Heart Songs explain it best. Perhaps the baby is a Vision; or an anonymous Artist working toward goals in support of the Vision. Perhaps it is personal growing, wholeness and becoming. Perhaps it's all of these and more.
The Vision is about Gaia, the She/He whole, one-life force and being. It is about love and wholeness in mind, body, spirit dimensions personally and corporately, inside and outside. How can we become whole and complete our lives in all dimensions? What are the obstacles? The road signs? Where can we find inspiration?
The artist is named Loveson G. Flower, an anonymous "Nom de Bloom." He/She writes, sculpts, heart songs, jousts with windmills, plays music and more trying to grow, learn and better express Love and Vision. He/she's still a youngster, fresh from the womb as of this writing, with all the enthusiasm and limitations of tender age.
Foundations for this growth include participation in Psychodrama; study of Psycho synthesis, Jung and more at Institute of Transpersonal Psychology; working with children in environmental education at Hidden Villa; and inner guidance after many years of reading, inner reflection and life suffering. These Heart Songs are sent with love in the hope they might encourage and inspire; help connection and reflection; and sow seeds of loving and growth in us all.
____ (Traduction anglais-français ci-dessous par Google Translate)
Introduction to Gaia's Dream, the Dance of Wholeness
by Loveson G. Flower
Saturday 9:47 PM, November 1, 1997
At studio, Allied Arts Guild
(from introduction page to 1st self-published group of approximately 350 heartsongs)
Scanned image is Sunflower Multimedia's Vision & Purpose, the first content page of published work.
Loveson G. (Gabrielle) Flower (a Nom de “Bloom”)
is an anonymous author & artist whose:
Dream-Awake Spiritual Practice:
Keep the Mind to the rhyme. Let the Heart do its part.
So beyond either mode, the Soul shows the road.
Life Purpose:
Help free Spirits of fellow creatures & myself. See Beauty, others
& me. Reduce suffering. Help bring Light to Shadow & vice-versa.
& me. Reduce suffering. Help bring Light to Shadow & vice-versa.
Life Plan:
All is Welcome. Follow Light & Love.
Be a Team. Breathe. Forgive. Let Go.
Be a Team. Breathe. Forgive. Let Go.