Hiding my eyes, I clench them tight,
Hoping somehow to ignore the light.
Why must I see? Why choose me
To reflect the seeing so all can see?
Am I to join the Circle of Light?
Hold back my fear? Hold back my fright?
And love me enough; in fact, love so much
That all that I see, and all that I touch
Reflects back the love and enters the heart
Of those still alive who want to be part:
Of knowing, and seeing, and loving themselves;
Of expressing their truth; and plumbing their wells
Of depth and of knowing and of living alive,
And not life shallow, or slavery, or dying alive?
We are but a mirror of all that we see.
To ignore this great truth is to try and not be.
To die while alive, to move although dead
Is to waste life’s few moments, alone in my head
With thoughts all a plenty but feelings ignored,
With truths that are screaming, simply unheard.
Denial, abuse; Ignoring, decay:
Is this the method? Is this the way?
To pretend to live; to play at the life;
To not feel the pain, the hunger, the strife?
So come to me wise ones, come to me muse.
Speak clear your dreams. All of me use.
So that I might live; and others the same.
Shining your light, reflecting your aim.
Focus my knowing and talents and love.
Burn through the darkness below and above.
Let the tears flow, and all the seeds grow
From whole ones to larger while still always whole.
This is the way, of truth and of light.
Not from the masters but inner insight.
Break free the chains of bondage and slave
To a live world; green, white, blue like a wave
Of brilliant clear ocean, and honest emotion;
Of thoughts all connected; my heart-ache inspected.
For fully and freely and completely to shine -
Light, love, and hope. Truth every time.
This is my hope. This is my prayer.
Yes, I will see. Yes, I will care.
April 21, 1997
1st Heart Song
by Loveson G. Flower
Written at the Ocean near Capitola
after inner work with Halimah
Photo by Uli in Cassis, France