Wednesday, April 22, 1987

List of Heart Songs Input 4/22/07

How to Dream Awake 5/17/1997
To Art or Not to Art 3/29/07
Twins Opposite Paths 6/13/99
Blinded Parts of Mind and Heart 6/2/99
“To Be or Not to Be” 1/28/99
"Bob Married Cathy!" 6/13/98
Lonely Emperor 2/17/98
Ignoring Wholeness? 2/17/98
Love's Unbroken Cord 1/31/98
Rain, Rain Go Away 1/15/98
Ghost Town Clown 1/5/98
I Am Don Juan 1/4/98
Wisdom Vanquished 12/18/97
Introduction to Gaia's Dream, the Dance of Wholeness 11/1/97
Vincent Love Sent 10/30/97
Unknowing's Going 10/21/97
Virtuoso Love 10/12/97
Wisdom's Care 10/10/97
Listen with All Ears 10/10/97
All Parts Need Love 10/8/97
Tension's Contention 10/8/97
Lost Smiles 10/4/97
Sleeping Beauty's Frog Prince 10/2/97
Junk Food Dog 10/2/97
All Deserve Grace 9/26/97
Slavery's War Unknown 9/25/97
Mosquito's in My Room 9/25/97
Wheels In Motion 9/24/97
Mother Teresa's Passing 9/21/97
About Inspiration's Motivation 9/18/97
Transcend My Fear 9/13/97
Risk is Risky 9/11/97
Take Love Off Shelf 9/8/97
To Love's School 9/7/97
Lost & Not Found 9/6/97
Queen of Hearts 9/3/97
Love Muscles 9/3/97
Is Enough, Enough? 9/3/97
Let Loving Come 8/20/97
Truth Farmer 8/17/97
Cyber-Slave, Internet Junkie 8/16/97
Pinnochio's Strings 8/15/97
Past the Past 8/12/97
Vision's Quest 8/10/97
Almost Dead 8/5/97
Smoke and Mirrors 8/4/97
Post-Partum Blues 8/4/97
Time for Flying 8/3/97
Vision's Symbols 8/2/97
Singing Fingers 8/2/97
Vision of a Broken Mirror 8/2/97
Sweet Dreams, Pleasant Dreams 8/2/97
Let It Come 8/1/97
Sour Apples 8/1/97
All Need Light 7/29/97
Put on My Wings Today 7/29/97
Why See the Differences? 7/29/97
Body Wisdom 7/27/97
A SunFlower by Any Other Name 7/23/97
Birthing Pains 7/21/97
Beginner's Eyes 7/19/97
Soul Journey 7/18/97
Welcome to the World 7/18/97
We're All One 7/17/97
Will Work for Hugs & Kisses 7/17/97
A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing 7/17/97
Bank's Fool 7/16/97
Steer My Own Ship 7/16/97
Can the Tree See the Forest? 7/9/97
Follow the Herd to Butcher 7/9/97
Your Dream Might Enlighten Me 7/8/97
Can I Break Free? 7/6/97
Swept Far Away 7/3/97
The Journey Is Its Own Reward 6/28/97
Ocean Is Deep 6/20/97
Seed of Love 6/20/97
Past Fear and Desire 6/15/97
When Student is Ready 6/11/97
How Offender Remembers 6/8/97
Truth or Glory? 6/8/97
Smiles and Smiles of Puppy Piles 6/5/97
What Kind of Person Am I? 6/2/97
Why Become Sunflower 5/24/97
Smelly Creatures with Ugly Features 5/24/97
Don't Make It Wrong 5/21/97
Ode to Uli, My Hero 5/17/97
How to Dream Awake 5/17/1997
Will I See the Light? 4/21/97
Over the Rainbow 9/12/96